Toujours à la recherche de la distance, m'est apparu le facteur X, c'est à dire le différentiel hanches-épaules. Mais comment faire pour bloquer la rotation des hanches et que le ressort se tende vraiment ?
Voyons ce qu'en dit Ben Hogan :
Hogan on the hips
The hips start the downswing by turning to the left, an idea that Hogan introduced in his book Power Golf. A slight lateral motion accompanies this turning of the hips back to the ball, so that the golfer can transfer weight to the left foot.
The hip action starts a chain reaction. The weight moves smoothly to the left leg, and the right knee kicks in toward the target. The multiplying power generated by the synchronized motion of the torso, hips and shoulders transfers the power down through the arms, then into the hands, and finally it is multiplied again into the clubhead as it swings aggressively through the ball.
The one sure way to destroy the powerful multiplying factor of the torso, Hogan believed, is to start the downswing with the hands. This forces the body out and over, which produces an outside-in swing. The results are all too apparent to golfers: They hit weak slices and pulls. To counteract this, Hogan cautioned novices and average golfers to keep conscious hand action out of the swing. He contended that the hands really do nothing on the downswing until the arms have dropped into a position just above hip height. The arms get there because the motion of the hips carries them down.
Hogan liked to have his hips opening up toward the target with the left leg bowing outward and the weight moving to the outside of that foot. His final thought for the downswing was always to hit the ball hard. Hogan felt that many golfers tried to steer the ball on line and curtail their power, thinking that by doing so they are reducing any potential error. His opinion was--and he certainly demonstrated this--that with good fundamentals, the harder one hits the ball, the straighter it would go.
In summary, Hogan said repeatedly that, while playing, he thought of only two things regarding the downswing: He thought of starting the hips first, and of hitting the ball as hard as possible with the body, arms and hands, in that sequence. He felt that not much could go wrong for the golfer who produced the correct sequence of events during the swing.
Pour trouver de la distance, ne suffit-il pas d'avoir l'esprit libéré et un relâchement du haut du corps ?
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